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Win aTrip to New York City with Scarlett Johanasson

Swiffer is giving away two round-trip tickets to New York City, tickets to “The Nanny Diaries” premiere, two tickets to the after-party, two nights lodging, $500 cash and a prize line-up of Swiffer products.

Scarlett Johansson was born in New York City on November 22nd, 1984 to Karstan Johansson (a Danish architect) and Melanie Sloan. The twenty-two year old actress is one of five children and has a twin brother who is also an actor. After enrolling in acting classes at age three, she quickly progressed on to theatre where she was soon discovered and at the age of eight, played opposite Ethan Hawke in the Off Broadway stage production of Sophistry.

Fast forward fourteen years later and she’s an internationally known figure- not only for her raw acting ability, but for her 50’s pin up model good looks. Recently starring in Lost in Translation and In Good Company, Johansson has been nominated for four Golden Globes and been named "Sexiest Woman Alive" by Esquire Magazine. She has appeared in numerous commercials and print covers, is a spokeswoman for Louis Vuitton, L'Oreal and Reebok and has a filmography that cites an impressive twenty-eight films (not to mention numerous television appearances) for such a relatively young actress. She has also taken on an adamant political stance, helping out with the John Kerry presidential campaign in 2004 and an anti-poverty campaign organized by Bono.

Scarlett, who like most child actresses, has been in the process of curbing the young, wholesome appearance that has followed her throughout her early films for the last few years by taking on more complex and adult roles and recently turned a few heads in 2006 with her highly controversial Vanity Fair cover in which she posed nude with Keira Knightly and Tom Ford. Stating that she likes to date older men and cannot see herself dating anyone under the age of thirty, she has been linked to many of Hollywood's elite including Josh Hartnett, Jared Leto and Benicio Del Toro. As for her opinion on relationships, Scarlett doesn't believe in monogamy because it's "not human nature to be with just one person" but "contrary to popular belief...[she is] not promiscuous" and tries hard to "make [her relationships] work in a monogamous way".

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