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The SpeedTrap Exchange

You see them everyday, Speed Traps. The police may be out in the open, hiding behind bridge abutments, or passing overhead in an airplane. As is obvious from the traffic flow, the speed limit is grossly under-posted and universally ignored.

Traffic is moving safely and expeditiously, but not legally according to the posted speed limit. As fast as the pen can be applied to paper, driver after driver is issued a speeding ticket that results in exorbitant fines, points on their driver's licenses and insurance surcharges.

Fortunately, you know about the speed traps on your regularly traveled routes, but what about those times you are on unfamiliar streets and highways? If only there was a way you could share your knowledge of speed traps, in exchange for the speed trap knowledge of others.

The SpeedTrap Exchange is a site where visitors can post what they believe are speed traps - check out the towns-cities you drive through.

Brought to you by The National Motorists Association (NMA):
The National Motorists Association (NMA) was founded in 1982 to represent and protect the interests of North American motorists.

We're the primary group behind the repeal of the 55 mph National Maximum Speed Limit. The NMA continues to be a leader in the fight for traffic control based on sound engineering principles, reasonable enforcement methods, and against the exploitation of responsible motorists. That's why we've taken such a strong stand against speed traps.

The Pointswizard.com Spin: Be prepared

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