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Win it-7days/6 nights vacation in-- St. Maarten

Win this prize, and you and a guest will spend 6 nights and 7 days as the special guests of Caribbean Travel and Life and the island of St Maarten/St Martin. They will help you customize a vacation, arrange for free deluxe accommodations for 6 nights and be your guide to the most exciting island in the Caribbean.

PRIZE: A 6-night and 7-day prize for two including a 3-night stay at Princess Heights -- an award winning boutique resort -- and a 3-night stay at Green Cay Villas -- spacious villas that offer all of the comforts of home but against a Caribbean backdrop.

The Pointswizard.com Spin: Sponsor will randomly select the winner from all eligible entries received on or about 11/30/2006. So enter today

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