
Pointswizard.com Links


Get a bonus to join of 100 American Airlines AAdvantage® miles! and a chance to win 15,000 more miles

Points.com will help you get the most from the airline award, accommodation reward, and frequent shopper programs to which you ALREADY BELONG.

At Points.com you can:
Track all your mile and point balances in one place
Earn more miles and points in your existing programs
Buy more miles to get that flight you need
Swap your miles and points between programs

Join FREE, get a contest entry, PLUS earn 100 AAdvantage® miles!

The Pointswizard.com Spin: earn 100 miles and maybe you'll win the 15,000 miles
If you didn't take advantage of our post of last week -do this offer and the 100 miles will keep your American Airlines Account active for 3 more years.

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